If we talk about design and it happens to be that the talking is done by two or more designers we will soon be lost in a world of brilliant shapes and all colours of the rainbow. This is a big problem that designers face on a daily basis. Actually, scrap that, it's a problem humankind faces of a daily basis. When we start designing something, we are very inclined to design for people like ourselves. We know what we like, we know how we feel about certain things and what we enjoy. Through this we become extremely discriminative as "people like us" are often just 5% of the population. I would like you to consider these products:
The first one I saw was the Rubix cube and my first thought was "why is it all white?" After realizing the reason for that I realized that being somewhat thick and having fingers like a baboon's I would not be able to complete one even though I can do a coloured one.
But then I started thinking about other products out there for the blind - whether it's a talking tape-measure, a calendar, writing-aid or a check-book with writing slots. Any of these product deserve to exist a thousand times more than most of the products I discuss here. That purely because these products serve us. At the end of the day, isn't that what all products are supposed to do?
I will leave this gorgeous image to hammer home the message for me, courtesy of It's Designed
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