This image really forces the issue, I think. Are we happy to buy into an image? You looking at the screen, reading this, do you really lack so much in you that there is need for brands to express who you are? Would we not prefer letting our fashion and products tell others who we are, rather than telling us who we are?
I have strong preferences in certain designs and certain brands so you can easily tell me that I am a brand whore. But In my mind, I prefer them because I see how they reflect me, my mind, my line of thought, my ideas on designs for that particular product. However, at the end of the day, when I brush aside all that is thrown at my head from TV, internet on the walls around me when I walk in town, I see that the things I enjoy most are the ones that I can make most like myself.
Apparently, by default a person's image of beauty is incredibly similar to their own looks. According to that logic, shouldn't the best product for anyone be the one that is most like them? Thus, should we not design for an audience of one?
I often say consistency is key, but isn't customization really what should be at the heart of a brilliant design?
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