I found this photo by Joe Holmes today and it made me think of the way we design things. It almost seems to me that as a community we take every possibility to isolate people. We design things in a way to cut the user off from the rest of the world. Here's just a few ideas so that you wouldn't think I'm having another of my rants without backing up any of my trash-talk: A car - isn't it just a metal box that creates a small environment that cuts us off from the rest of our community? IPods do the same - we listen to music and through that get completely drawn away from whatever is going on around us. Mobile phones, products that are made in order for people to communicate, to be in touch - how many times have we seen people in groups with nearly everyone texting away not talking to the person next to them. Do we really prefer black-and-white dots on a screen to another human being? Is there no more room for gestures, emotions or facial expressions in modern communication? What happened to a good old-fashioned face-to-face chat?
I think it is our duty as designers to make products more social, because in a world that moves along at such pace, who else can we count on that a friend?
Remember... Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet!
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