Ron Arad has been known for curvy lines and futuristic designs. He is now also known as the smartest man on earth. Often we make a chair to make it a chair. We make a desk so it is a desk. Jeremy Clarkson said the Alfa Romeo 8c is a piece of art as it has no function but its own existence. This bath/shower is also art, but I would not go as far as to say Clarkson is thus wrong since it serves another function. Clarkson has been wrong twice and this shall not be the third time.
No, it is not art, it is more accurately described as a masterpiece. Anyone challenging the idea should be shot. If a design is so brilliant that anyone looking at it instantly recognizes the design's simplicity, functionality and efficiency, then it is impossible that it should not be cherished until the end of time. Or is it?
Efficient? Well, not really. For starters, one would need a bathroom the size of Nepal to house the damn thing. Secondly, all of earth's supplies of ceramics need to be summoned for one to be built and installing it on an average wall compromises the likelihood of the building still standing by dawn.
So if it is not environmentally sound or an example of social design, surely this product shouldn't deserve to exist? Wrong again. Each and every one of us should own one. The day we stop dreaming and playing with shapes is the day we as designers accept the fact that we are really a herd of mongooses. May God help us all.
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