When we grow so used to something that we take it as it is without thinking whether it could be better we lose all rights to claiming ourselves creative and accept the label of an imbecile.
If products had no personality they would be lifeless. What is lifeless is dead. What is dead is buried. I wish i could bury all poorly designed products that just sit there like a pile of misery. If I did that though, greenpeace would soon nail me to a wall and have ants slowly disassemble my body and carry it away in small pieces to the farthest corners of the earth, because most of these low-value items aren't even designed to be environmentally sound. Good grief, man, if you have the guts to design a useless thing that people don't feel attached to and throw away quickly, please-please have the decency to make it at least recyclable or even better, reusable.
The cruets above are of no relevance to this rant. They are of high emotional value and have character. You feel attached to them and people are less likely to discard products that they feel attached to... FACT
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