17 Dec 2009

I shall be a Marti(a)n on Pluto

You know how a couple of weeks ago I promised to move to the Moon and dedicate the rest of my life to developing a space shuttle to take me to Pluto if anyone created another LEGO inspired product? Well, time to nut up or shut up. I found this and hence, here is a humble plead to NASA:

Please good gentlemen and gentle ladies of NASA, can you please give me a lift to the moon? I promise I won't be annoying or try to play "I spy" the whole way there. Also, I give you the credit for the amazing faster-than-light-sound-and-Usain-Bold-combined space shuttle I will be building on the dark side of the moon. It will be of no use to me once I'm on Pluto anyway.

Yours truly,

A man with no hope in humankind.

PS. Lego-inspired products belong in the sewer.


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