Louie V you silly bee! What is all this nonsense?
I love the fact we are drawing attention to the disgusting consumer culture that all of us have the joy to live in. I am in fact so happy about it that I'm gonna go out and do a somersault.
Enough of sarcasm, let's get down and dirty - I sincerely hope that this was the aim of this design, drawing attention to the way we consume. And by that I mean the amount of material we throw away out of ignorance, laziness or plain stupidity. We actually barely use the things we own. Think about your day-to-day life... how many times do we wear a shirt, trousers or socks before we throw them in the washing machine again? Once? Twice? Three times, really? Oh that is really well done! Do you know what? The only reason clothes get damaged is because of washing them too much and once that happens, we don't mend them. We chuck them away. In all fairness... when was the last time you sewed a hole in the sock? Exactly. And then we bin them and it ends up in a landfill. Well done, you killed our planet!
Speaking of binning, if this was not the focus of Louis Vuitton, then all designers in the damn place should be buried in a landfill too, preferably alive, because these bags are hideous.
Uskumatu. Varsti on on müügil Fekaal by Louis Vuitton
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